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Infinite Path: The Static Queue of TV People in the Eternal Void

i had a dream i was walking down some path in a void that felt like it kept going on forever and tv static people were standing in a long line on both sides of the path facing the path

i had a dream i was walking down some path in a void that felt like it kept going on forever and tv static people were standing in a long line on both sides of the path facing the path

The dream you described appears to be quite symbolic. Walking down a path in a void may represent a sense of feeling lost or uncertain in your waking life. The path that seems endless could indicate a journey or a path of personal growth that you may be enduring.

The "TV static people" are an intriguing element in your dream. They could symbolize disconnection or a lack of meaningful connections in your life. These people standing in a line may represent societal norms or expectations that you feel surrounded by, yet they are lifeless and devoid of true substance.

Overall, this dream suggests that you may be feeling isolated or detached from others in some way. It could be indicative of a longing for deeper connections, as well as a desire to find direction or purpose in your life. Consider reflecting on your waking life experiences and see if these interpretations resonate with any specific areas of your life.